Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Genre and Intertextuality

Genre: A type of media product governed by implicit rules that are shared by the makers of the product and the audience for it.

Hybrid-Genre: A genre which combines 2 or more genres.

Sub-Genre: A genre within a genre.

Generic Paradigms (genre conventions): Aspects of a media text ( like editing) that demonstrates to the audience what genre a media product is.

Iconography: The familiar signs of a genre.

Contrapuntal: Against the point(music)

Utopia trailer 2013:

  • Mystery
  • Gore 
  • Thriller
  • Murderous
  • Horror  
  • Psychological horror
  • Hermeneutic code- the rabbit and the hostage
  • Comedy 
  • Black comedy

Intertextuality: The shaping of texts meaning through referencing or alluding to other text.
  • Involves the audience on a higher level
  • Often used in comedy 
  • Broadens the demographic audience\ target audience
  • Allows producer to make fun of something serious
  • Comedy makes it easier to deal with problems within society 

Genre exists so we can differentiate between different media texts

Benefits of generic classification:

  • The audience understands 
  • Producer benefits 

The advantage of genre is that we can as an audience be able to clearly identify different media text. It also gets films and t.v series made.

Disadvantages of genre is theres sub genres and hybridity of genres which makes it harder to differentiate and gives the audience expectations that the audience feel they have to conform to. Another disadvantage is its syndical and manipulative.

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