Thursday 4 January 2018

Newspaper unit: Audience responses

Ideology: The beliefs of a media producer.

Stuart Hall: Reception theory- The ways in which the audience process the ideology of the producer. (P.N.O)

  • Preferred 
  • Negotiated
  • Oppositional 
Anchorage- Where the producer forces the audience in to a particular way of thinking.

Representation- How an individual or a group of people are shown by the producer.

Xmas time:

P- Presents- Giving gifts, Going to church, We all love Christmas 

N- Family time, 
O- Birth of Jesus 

The Cambridge News:

  • Tabloid- local news
  • older working class target audience 
Too clever for prison:

  • Pity
  • Dislike
  • Anger
  • Frustration 
  • Distrust towards the court system 
Audience are anchored into disliking her as she looks smug in the photo.
Lavina Woodward is represented as smug and middle class someone whose dreams shouldn't be shattered even though she committed a crime.
Her goal is to be a doctor.
She is shown to have mental health and drug/ alcohol dependance.

Ideological assumptions about:

That they are too good

People you meet are crazy 
Used as a hook up app
You have to swipe left or right 
Loose sexual morals (Lavina has)

Oppositional responses to the story:

Could feel completely sorry for her
Pity her
That she is the victim as no one has helped her with her mental health

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