Tuesday 9 January 2018

Magazine 1

In component 1 you will get unseen products, you will be asked to compare and contrast. 

Component one: either film industry, music videos, newspapers, advertisements . Unseen text will also come up

Component two: We know what will come up.
  In component 2:

  • Media language
  • Representation
  • Media industries
  • Audience

  • Your point of view/opinion needs to come across when answering the questions. 
  • There is a historical context to the magazine section which needs to be included.
  • You need to interpret and make up the question your self. "In this essay I shall argue..."
  • You need to set out how you will be going to answer the question.
  • Balanced argument is not needed when answering this question. 
  • 50 minutes per question 10 minutes of planning.
Magazines we are studying:

Woman magazine- August 23-29th 1964

  • Cheap magazine 80p in todays money 
  • The title is serif font and fancy, which could connotate how women are seen
  • Has elements of romance and domestication with the handwritten style 
  • Purple/pink stereotypically feminine colours 

Women's magazine became very popular in the post-war period and, in the 1960's, sales of women's magazine reached 12 million copies per year. Woman's sales alone were around 3 million copies per week in 1960.

  •  Women were objectified during these times, that the women were the cooks.
  •  The mens roles were to work and provide for the family. 
  • Demeaning consenting representation if women. 
  • The stereotypical views of women and what they could do was changing during this time
  • Advertisement started including women in their ads suggesting women were gaining more power/ money
  • Viewed women had desedable income

Roland Barthes- Semiotics:
  • Hermeneutic
  • Proairetic 
  • Symbolic 

Claude Levi Straus- Structuralism:
Binary oppositions. We see the world through what it isn't instead of what it is.

Codes and conventions of a magazine: 

  • Glossy front covers/pages- connotations of quality 
  • A lot of advertisements 
  • Full page photographs 
  • They are much more about the look and design unlike newspapers
  • Often come with free gifts/samples 
  • Has more of a gossipy mode of address  
  • Can take an exclusionary mode of address



Layout and design:
Red- dark
Font- like dripping blood
White- stands out 
Scary cover model- tattoos rings and heavy jewellery 
Gothic theme 

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