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there are certain items of merchandise which will appeal to a certain cult audience
Responding to potential questions
This is your opportunity to use the evidence you just found to not only back up your excellent points in the exam, but also do make detailed responses in the next few lessons.
- Draw up a detailed pen portrait for the target audience for Assassin's Creed III: Liberation. Think age, gender, class, lifestyle, cultural capital…
Aged 14-20
Hobbies: coding, programming, likes science and maths
Middle class
Clever, good at using technology
- How does Assassin's Creed III: Liberation attract/target its audiences (primary and secondary, niche ('core') and generalised ('casual'?) ?
- How does Assassin's Creed III: Liberation construct an audience?
- How does Assassin's Creed III: Liberation and its marketing appeal to its target audiences?
- How does Assassin's Creed III: Liberation use technology to maximise audience consumption and to ensure sales?
what happens when you play/watch to many video games/watch to much tv:
you become violent
you become antisocial
you become stupid
your attitudes and opinions change
linked to hypodermic needle model - flawed as only the minority become affected
Generally, video games have a continuous representation of violence- which is cultivation
they present violence as the only real way to solve things
Doom was released in 1993, which created a moral panic
amplification- when the media pushes it out of proportion
passive audience theory: hypodermic needle theory- suggests the audience isn't clever and are easily manipulated
passive: cultivation theory
reception theory:
Stuart hall- reception theory- encoding/decoding- preferred(when the audience agree with the ideology), negotiated(your in the middle), oppositional( you don't agree with the ideology/reject it ), aberrant (when you don't understand it)
Assassins creed 3 liberation: Dominant ideological perspective
-violence solves problems
- violence is expectable
- in life there are good guys and bad guys
- good vs evil (binary opposition)
- antislavery- what the game is based on
- women can do the same as men - gender equality
- the game is a celebration of french culture- to appeal to a wider audience
- the game is fun
preferred- that violence is an acceptable way to solve violence, and that slavery is unacceptable and needs to be challenged
negotiated- the actual game is confusing but agree with the antislavery message
oppositional- that violence shouldn't be used, the game isn't fun
There are more ways than before to negotiate ideologies- multiple interpretations- multiple experiences- especially in video games
Lore- an underlying story or deeper story in a video games- which you wouldn't know or understand
Environmental story telling- get the story through other things such as descriptions of objects, talking to characters and video clips
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